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Decorator Hook! Largely made by Marcel Visser for KiwiJam 2024

Decorator Hook is a physics based game, about placing objects using a hook. The physics introduces chaos elements and can lead to fun and messy rooms. Have fun flinging around your objects and get the best score you can, but be careful, you only have 1 minute.

Score calculations:

Each object starts with a score of 200. Then a penalty is applied calculated by the difference in the angle of the shadow and the object (in radians) multiplied by 35. A further penalty for the distance away (in pixels) an object is away from it's shadow. The final score is then rounded up, and each object has a minimum score of +10.

There is a theoretical max score of 1600.


Distance is more forgiving than the angle, so if an object is covering most of an object, it's better to move on to placing the next one to save time and to avoid knocking over some other objects.

Special thanks to Kenan Moolman and Toby Sutherland for helping come up with the idea for Decorator Hook and for their help with starting up the project.

KiwiJam 2024 was a 48 hour game jam with the theme of 'Home'. In total only about 13 hours was spent on the development of Decorator Hook.

Thank you for playing!
Please leave your score in the comments :)

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Best score I've gotten so far is 1064

(2 edits) (+1)

My first playthrough was hampered by the rug/pool cue getting stuck to the desk when I try to adjust it. You should state how scoring works as I spent far too long trying and failing to get the wardrobe close to the wall.

My second playthrough was hampered by the hook grabbing things I had just dropped. Perhaps a left-click to grab instead would help.

With a few tweaks, I could see this as a decent game. Maybe even with levels and such.

Thank you for the feedback! Unfortunately because of the scope of the 48 hours it was difficult to implement and tune many of the features I wanted. All items currently have the same weight and the plant pot is also *impossible* to get the right way up. Also would've been great to have leaderboards so you can compete with friends.

As for the how score is calculated, I'll update the description with some details for that soon. It's largely weighted towards rotation however so even if you're a little bit of, if an object is the right way up you'll still get a good amount of points.

Thank you for playing the game as well, I appreciate it a lot!
~ Marcel